From the design phase to the perfect completion of the work, we support you in the realization of your projects.
Whether it comes from municipal wastewater treatment plants or from industrial processes, sludge, which is then mainly considered as waste, can be recovered thanks to our know-how: the TERMIPAK® and SUN SAND® processes.
These consist of thermal oxidation of the pasty sludge using a fluidized bed furnace and dry gas treatment. These processes reduce their quantity by 90% while making them inert.
The energy released during sludge combustion is recovered and valorized as heat. It can be used not only to supplement the existing building heating system but also to supply a district heating network, for example.
The TERMIPAK® range meets the needs of municipalities generating between 2 000 and 6 000 tons of sludge per year.

The SUN SAND® range is aimed at population basins producing between 6 000 and 80 000 tons of sludge per year (2 lines of 40 000 tons).